Website Design for Content Marketing - Essential for SEO | ITM News and Articles
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Website Design for Content Marketing - Essential for SEO

Website design must be focused on content creation and presentation

Website owners need to accept that content creation and search engine optimization (SEO) are made for each other. In fact, they are completely dependent on each other.

Website Design Content Marketing SEO

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the methodology of how to increase the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through unpaid or ‘organic’ search engine result pages.

It includes techniques to help you get a high ranking in the search results page of search engines, which include Google, Bing, and Yahoo!.

Why is a high Search Engine ranking important? 

A high ranking brings potential clients directly to your website. This automatically facilitates growth through sales. The higher your ranking, the more sales queries you will get.

Why does excellent website content matter to SEO?

Search engines continually strive to bring the most relevant search result to the top of any user query. Therefore the relevance of your content to the user query is essential for higher rankings.

Because query terms, also called keywords, vary widely from user to user, it is important to add all these possible terms to your website in a methodical and logical way. 

Adding keywords artificially will result in a penalty imposed by the Search engine. Quality content is the best way to add relevant keywords.

Building keyword relevance creates your website authority

Website Design is therefore about creating authoritative content hierarchies, otherwise known as a semantic architecture.

Search engine ranking depends as much on your content and the response to this content by your audience.

When users find your content useful, the quality traffic created sends a signal to the Search Engine that the content is relevant to the search term (keyword) being used. This builds up the authority of the content in the view of the search engine.

Website Design - Tools for Content Creation

Most websites consist of relatively static pages, designed to hold the relevant content. Technically the keywords are added to these pages. However, most static pages are not suitable for day-to-day interaction with your website visitors.

Although static pages make for great landing pages, modern web users digest content in so many formats besides webpages that it is essential to use content formats that facilitate this.

Blog content can be reused in multiple formats such as on Social Media and also in news syndication.

A blog engine is essential, modern website design

Some people still ask if blogging is essential. We find this quite strange, but in reality blogging matters more than ever.

It is best to regard your blog as a dynamic mechanism to reach out proactively to your audience by writing quality content.

In this way blog content has become inseparable from SEO.

Business clients are scared of blogs

This is a fact. There are many reasons why this is so.

Firstly, businesses find it really hard to write quality content. Business owners lack SEO skills, and struggle to be creative about their own services and products. Let's face it, most business owners work in their business and not on their business. 

Secondly, most clients perceive technical hurdles in blog writing. Certain aspects of writing good blogs, such as creating hyperlinks, formatting pictures, adding headings etc. are not everyone's cup-of-tea. 

Thirdly, there is seldom consistency in business-driven marketing. Businesses lack the internal resources, skills, time and personnel to manage a quality content campaign.

Fourthly, the range of Social Networks and external publishing tools make it difficult to manage bookmarking and positioning of your content once written.

Fifthly, business owners may not be confident to write about their products and services competently. Rather than embarrass themselves they refrain from publishing content at all.

Lastly, business owners may think that publishing content about their products and services may be divulging information to competitors. The reality is that modern customers demand very high levels of disclosure, extensive product and service education, and credible trust authority from businesses before making purchases. 

Education and information sharing are critical for customers to build a relationship with your brand. Simply put: A quality content blog must be useful!

Why content marketing matters most for SEO?

Content Marketing and search engine optimisation are made for each other.

  • SEO demands quality content. Content marketing creates it.
  • SEO content strategies require keyword hierarchies. Content marketing builds content authority around keywords.
  • SEO requires quality traffic. Content marketing creates great user engagement.

Website Design, Content Marketing and SEO Services

ITM provides a unique digital marketing service that supports the inter-dependency of these three elements to give you a great marketing website for your business:

  • We work with you to define your online business goals and SEO strategies
  • We write quality content for your blogs and static pages (We do this for 90% of our clients)
  • We SEO every blog item and page, analysing keywords, competitors and rankings.
  • We publish your blog items, along with hyperlinks and pictures.
  • We bookmark and manage your Social Media
  • We provide monthly reports of our progress.
  • All of this on a manageable, monthly budget

Contact ITM Website Design or Get A Quote to get your website to perform as it was meant to.

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