DNN CMS - The best website design software for business | ITM News & Articles

DNN CMS - The best website design software for business

best website design softwareExcellent website design is expensive, and for good reason when you are paying for expertise that is in very short supply in South Africa.

And depending on a website designer is also risky especially in an industry where career mobility is so high.

It makes sense therefore to make use of website design templates and website design software that allows you to create great custom design websites dependably and affordably.

No web design software is perfect, but there are some that are definitely better than others.

Below are all the features we looked for when choosing a Content Management System for our business.

Most Modern Technologies and Industry Best Practice

  • DNN Software is powered by a talented team of developers and very large community of web design specialists.
  • This means that DNN website design software is thoroughly tested before being released by some of the most critical web designers out there.
  • Software issues are fixed quickly and efficiently via frequent updates to the software.
  • Innovation is driven by open competition between web developers, and DNN Software has also acquired website design companies that have complemented the core DNN Software offering.

Best Security

  • DNN Software is built from the ground up around secure principles on top of Microsoft ASP.Net. Many competitor systems suffer from severe security issue concerns.
  • Most of the security issues derive from the numerous plugins that are freely available for some CMS systems. These may create multiple vulnerabilities in the application layer.

Easily Extensible

  • Wide selection of pre-built modules that integrate easily. Such as – Design Skins, Image sliders, Galleries, Video, Google Maps, Testimonials, Contact Forms, Blogs, Event Calendar, Forums, Ecommerce catalogues, Registration, Languages, Authentication systems, Bulk Email - the list goes on and on.
  • The DNN Software store has a huge selection of custom modules.

Open-Source Community Software

  • An open framework allows for extensive customisation and interaction with core modules and encourages community problem solving. 
  • It also encourages custom module development within a secure and standardised development framework.
  • The support community responds quickly to help requests, it also means free upgrades as these become available.

Most Scalable

  • Businesses grow bigger, DNN Software has equally good solutions for small websites and  very large enterprise solutions. 
  • Upgrading from the Community edition to a Professional Edition is a breeze and DNN Software is equally at home in the cloud.


  • The core modules of DNN Software are extremely flexible and are mobile ready.
  • The DNN Software store has affordable responsive website design templates for all PC, Tablet and Mobile devices.
  • Responsive website design prices are a mere fraction of the cost of custom design.

Lowest Total Cost of Ownership

  • ASP.net skills are amongst the most plentiful globally. Finding a web developer who can work in DNN is a lot easier than for other systems.
  • The free community edition means more bang for your buck, means more of your budget can go into building a great website, rather than into software design or development costs.


  • DNN software is arguably the easiest CMS to manage with an intuitive user interface and extensive user manuals.
  • Building your own website is extremely easy, once you have a website design template.

Built with SEO and Digital Marketing Management in mind

  • What good is a website unless it can be found and promotes Search Engine Marketing?
  • DNN Software provides a Content Management System that makes marketing a lot easier to manage.

There is a lot more that I could tell you, but maybe we should be having that conversation face-to-face. Let's chat or Get A Quote.

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