DNN Software Bulk Email, Newsletters & Email Marketing | ITM News & Articles

DNN Software Bulk Email, Newsletters & Email Marketing

One of the reasons why we love DNN Software so much is that it has built in messaging for all the important administrative aspects of running a website.

This includes email messaging and internal system messaging for events such as website registrations and onsite activities. These can also be easily customised.

The core messaging functionality of DNN is extended to offer a basic bulk emailer for newsletters and email marketing.

This allows for email sending to users in particular roles and you can also add custom lists.

The basic newsletter come standard with every DNN Software website design.

Email Marketing Campaigns

For more sophisticated email marketing campaigns there are several third party modules that we would recommend for managed bulk email.

These bulk email modules are easily configured and come with a host of features such as:

  • List Management
  • Opt In & Opt Out
  • Bounce Management
  • Single Click Un-Subscribe
  • RSS Feed Auto Send
  • Auto Link Tag Tracking
  • Recurring & Auto Campaigns
  • Sales Funnel Auto Responses
  • SQL Linking
  • Delivery Reporting

We have even built a custom newsletter archive manager for a client based on the DNN Software messaging.

This allows you to retain and build your own community without having to share your data with external service providers.

You have more control over your data and better insights into your campaigns.

And because the bulk email software integrates with DNN Software, you get to use the all the features of DNN with your email, such as Data Tokens and Mail merge.

Contact Us or Get a Quote for more information on using email for your marketing and online community needs.

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