Why you should use Social Media Marketing for your business | ITM News & Articles

Why you should use Social Media Marketing for your business

Social media Marketing for your Business

Branding is vital - Create a distinguishable identity for your product or service.

Create a public interest - informing the community about your products and services online guarantees a broad variety of clients will come across it.

Online status management - Being aware of what other clients and other sites are saying about your name, company, or brand online provides your business with the opportunity to fix any problems if necessary.

Establish yourself as an expert - Use platforms and message boards to answer questions professionally, honestly, and acceptably. Being able to provide this service will exhibit to clients the level of service your business aims to provide.

"Word of mouth" - Customers need to trust before purchasing - most people will only promote products and services that they themselves use and support.  People trust their friends and loved ones more than anyone else. Social media entails social networking and communication, it is not the business then that markets their product or service; it is the groups of people and circles of friends that already use them that do.

Build relationships and become more personal - Social Media marketing enables your business to build relationships with its customers by allowing interaction and feedback through platforms, blogs and forums.

Communication between business owner and millions of potential customers -Millions of people use the online world on a day to day basis, connection between your business and theses masses is not possible in the offline world.

Small businesses can compete with the large companies - In the past, this was very difficult with the advertising and marketing budgets of large companies. With the right type of viral social media, you could get a vast amount of traffic with quickly-growing natural links, and keep this traffic coming for time to come.

Provides another way for potential customers to find you , social networking with potential clients and customers from all over the globe - With social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace among many, many others,  you can hold personal conversations with each of your customers. Tell them about new products, sales and suggestions and tips leaving the subjects limitless.

Increasing online traffic - Creating traffic for your business online will ensure increased business sales offline, spreading the word of your business is made extremely simple and cost-effective with social networking and social media. Social Media has the potential to send you TONS of traffic - when done properly, so even if you're not on the front page of Google, it doesn't mean you can't receive traffic.

Increase your link-ability - One way to move up in the search engines is to have links from other sites pointed to your site. Natural links - or links that come naturally to your great post, video, or picture, are the best kind for your business. They not only bring in traffic, but should also help move you up further in the search engines.

Helps with search engines - Social media helps you move up in the search engines because of links. Many social news sites and social networking sites have "follow" links in their profile pages.  Every time you create a profile with your blog, your number of followers depicts to Google your business page/blog is worthy to be mentioned. Links from a quality site = higher ranking in the search engines. However if you're not high enough in the search engines for potential customers to find you, they can still find you through social media.

Social media is much more cost-effective than traditional marketing- Social media marketing produces fantastic results and is just a fraction of the cost of traditional marketing and advertising.

Social media makes your business more accessible- An accessible company means a more reliable company, clients look for viability and reliability in their business choices.

Direct conversation to a specific niche - There are plenty social networking, social bookmarking, and social news sites that are dedicated to specific functions.  You have the ability to speak directly to these people and not have all the other noise of unrelated topics getting in the way. If you are speaking their language, you have a better chance of them actually hearing what you are saying - and you're getting the right kind of following.

Allowing a platform where customers can speak and be heard and where businesses can answer and explain - When a business reply to customer queries and complaints, the owner and his employees are viewed as individuals who care and who wants to make the customer happy. Social media creates a platform for a two-way conversation between business and customer.

Find out exactly what your customers want - Social Media provides businesses with the opportunity to ask their customers and potential cliental exactly what they want from the business and empowers customers with the ability to be heard.

Your customers can play an active role in the business - Instead of focus groups, let your customers play an active role in your business, let them offer suggestions, let them share their likes and dislikes - all on social media.

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