Choosing the best website software for optimal digital marketing | ITM News & Articles

Choosing the best website software for optimal digital marketing

Why DNN software design is the future?

Marketing today is driven largely by digital marketing, with more that 65% of people using online search engines to find products and services they need.

When digital marketing is used correctly it can be one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies a business can use.

Therefore choosing the best web design software for your website is vital, with numerous website software providers on the market it can be confusing as to which one is the right one for you.

DotNetNuke software supports the following digital marketing processes:

  • Integrated Google Tag manager
  • Built-in Search Engine Site map
  • Incorporates page SEO tags
  • Direct control of page settings - Name, Title, Description
  • Support for Open Graph Tags
  • Human and Search Engine Friendly URLs
  • Canonical Site Alias Mapping 
  • Great Navigation Menus and controls
  • Full content management and support for content marketing via Blogs, Events, RSS
  • Quick Edit mode allows for adjustments and updating
  • Logical File management
  • Systematic security
  • Multilingual capability

Choosing the best website design software for optimal digital marketing can be challenging however by looking at the benefits of DNN website software design you are able to see the clear advantages of choosing DNN software.

For more information on DNN software please contact us or Get a Quote

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