Less is more for website marketing | ITM News & Articles

Less is more for website marketing

If your website designer included some form of website analytics for you in the website design then you should be able to see how many people are visiting your website.


Depending on the efforts you are making for the website marketing, publishing blogs, running advertisements etc., you will see increased contact requests and increased sales as a result of increased website traffic.

But have you ever wondered, why with all this web traffic, do I get so little return for my marketing effort?

The answer may be that your website is attracting the wrong kind of traffic!

You may be marketing to a general audience, who may not all be interested in your products and services.

Less, but more targeted website traffic

The solution is to target a specific website audience who are interested in your service or product offering and are prepared to purchase what you have to offer.

Well-constructed online marketing campaigns using social media networks allow you to identify the age, gender and interests of your target market.

By more directly targeting your audience you are able to focus on the interests and needs of that market. And by focusing your research you will be able to identify the trends and specifics of your target market.

The further advantages are that you will also have more time to create quality marketing material and this will lead to better website conversions and click through rates on your website.

Ultimately you will save time and money by putting these two precious resources to better use, creating a higher return on your website investment efforts.

Because your marketing material will appeal directly to your audience, they will be more likely to spend money. Not only that, but they are more likely to bookmark your website and recommend your services and products to others.

ITM is a certified Digital Marketing agency, contact us or Get A Quote if you need help with your website marketing.

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