e-Commerce Made Easy by ITM Website Design | ITM News & Articles

e-Commerce Made Easy by ITM Website Design

e-Commerce Website Design

eCommerce has become a standard feature of website design, and what were once rare and expensive extras in the past, are now essential components that customers have come to expect from every online shop.

ecommerce website design

Best practice standardisation has also meant that ecommerce has become affordable for even the smallest merchants, and ecommerce reporting tools and stock management have become much easier.

Thankfully we no longer have to use expensive payment gateways, so transaction costs can also be minimised. In the same way we are also seeing more reasonable shipping costs from distributors, although South African businesses shipping to the rest of the world is still a daunting prospect, especially with our punitive exchange rate.

South African ecommerce website design

ITM is able to deliver a mature online shopping experience that is completely integrated into our content management system. This makes for excellent security and a seamless user experience on a website that is as much a marketing tool, as it is a shop.

Our Hotcakes open-source ecommerce solution can be deployed in minutes on every website we have built on DNN Software, and simple shops completely configured in a few hours. This means that ecommerce is within the immediate grasp of all of our clients.

For our WordPress clients it is equally easy to add an ecommerce plugin and other feautures with Woocommerce.

Standard eCommerce Features

Product Catalogue - Our Hotcakes shopping catalogue can also be used as a product catalogue linked to a quote request system, rather than the usual payment gateway checkout.

Products may be imported into the catalogue via an Excel spreadsheet. Each product can be configured in great detail for variables such as colour, price, mass and any other variable choices and combinations you may have.

Images may be selected by product variation, as can price and stock inventory levels. Volume discounts are possible.

The Hotcakes work flow ordering system handles promotions and affiliates and provides full order management, including payments, VAT, refunds and shipping. Many other features allow for customisation of the shop setup.

Shopping Cart

The presentation of the products on the front end of the website, can be accomplished in a variety of ways. Featured products, or by Category or simply in a Grid View. Our responsive design ecommerce platform works very well on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

The secure checkout is simply laid out and provides for registration or guest checkout. There are a variety of payment gateways to choose from. Here are a few different ecommerce solutions from ITM:

www.fortheloveofsilk.co.za (Full ecommerce)
www.capescape.co.za  (Custom ecommerce)
www.yungskin.com (WordPress with Woocommerce)
www.vividair.co.za (Quote Request linked to catalogue) 

eCommerce can now be delivered effectively without breaking the bank. Although eCommerce is not the solution for every business, some form of digital business is an absolute necessity for every website these days.

Get a quote - you will be pleasantly surprised!


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