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Statement on Coronavirus

Posted On: Tuesday, March 17, 2020

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ITM Website Design
Going Digital
Statement on Coronavirus

We now realise just how deeply our business livelihoods will be affected by the economic crisis precipitated by the Coronavirus. For many business owners this comes from prioritising the well-being of our clients and staff, for others it may mean that customers simply stay away, or our supply chains are disrupted.


Although, this crisis will pass, it will take some time to recover from the impact of social and economic disruption. And some things may never be the same again. 


Our government has urged us to work together to overcome this national disaster, and we can all play our part to halt the spread of the virus. And we can all play our part in helping others get through this.


It is important to look beyond COVID-19 and not let these short-term challenges impact our long-term planning horizons no matter how grave these are.  Although we all have a tough few month ahead of us, many of us may find that we have extra time on our hands. 


We now have an opportunity to put time and energy into reorganising, creating and improving business systems. Now is the time to complete unfinished projects and implement any changes that have you have wanted to attend to. 


You, our clients are dear to us. To combat these difficult times, we would like to offer our help with your digital business wherever we can. Our team at ITM are ready to be creative and work around the challenges that COVID-19 may create.


To assist with the coming cash-crunch we have also decided to roll back most of our recent price increases temporarily as well as provide personalised support to our clients who will likely be most affected. (Some prices are unfortunately determined by the exchange rate and we all know where that has gone.)


Business will not continue as usual for us. We stand ready to help you take this time to plan for your business' future after COVID-19.


It's time to think out of the box and look at new ways to increase sales and quality of service. We continue to value your custom and will do our very best to support you and your business.


It's important to remain united during this time. Together, we will get through this.


Yours sincerely 


Roslyn, Manfred, Kelly, Lauren, Brent, Kelley, Robyn & LIana

Contact Us
Cape Town & Port Elizabeth
084 7515 616 / 072 711 3159
E - [email protected]
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